dyndns Plugin
Using cloudflare, pdd.yandex or dnspod as in dynamic dns mode
dyndns {
provider cloudflare
ipaddress http://whatismyip.akamai.com/
auth *****af380b8d3 *****@*****.com
domains *****.com www.*****.com
period 30m
provider: cloudflare/yandex/dnspod - name dns provider; ipaddress: http/remote/local/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - get external IP from remote server (http://whatismyip.akamai.com/, http://ipv4.myexternalip.com/raw or other with body in RAW format)/get remote IP auto in local mode/ get local IP auto)/Hand your IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; auth: AuthApikeyToken - authentification token and via space Email - email address (for yandex - not present); domains: name.tld - list of domains to update via space symbol; period: XXs/XXm/XXh/XXd - time period IP update (s - seconds, m - minutes, h - hours, d - days)
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